Fuel CALIBER F (Flight) was especially formulated for two stroke and Fuel CALIBER F4C (Flight 4 - cycle) for four stroke engines of R/C airplane models. The speciality of RC airplane engines (with exception of RC Pylon racers) is a relative low working r.p.m. what varies usually between 8000 - 12000 r.p.m. and the contemporaneous demand on high power output, lowest idle as possible, high reliability in whole working r.p.m. range and good lifetime. Just these, in many cases antagonistic demands are a reason, why a blend of ricin and syntetic lubricant is used as a lubricant medium in most of RC airplane fuels. High bearing of the ricin oilfilm is very important mainly at the foreful and rapid acceleration from lowest (idle) to high r.p.m. and maximum power , and so high and long lasting loading the oil film in connecting rod and crankshaft bearing, when the synthetic oil with its specific character is not able to substitute the ricin oil.
Total content of lubricant in CALIBER F (Flight) fuel is 16%.

In case of fuel for four stroke engines (
CALIBER F4C) the fuel composition was adapted the specific parametres of four stroke engines, so it is a run in range 8000 - 10000 r.p.m., worse lubrication of connecting rod and crankshaft bearing and higherworking temperature.

Cat.No. Description / contents of Nitromethane Volume % Oil Recommended use
Price EUR
1454816 Caliber F Premium 5% 3,8 Lt 16 % Flight - Two stroke Engines - Glow 15,60
1454814 Caliber F Premium 10% 3,8 Lt 16 % Flight - 2 Stroke Engines Glow - (Low Idle) - High power 19,60
1454815 Caliber F4C Premium 10% 3,8 Lt 16 % Flight - 4 Stroke Engines Glow - (Low Idle) - High power 19,60
In the offered line of CALIBER F (Flight) fuel  you surely find the type of fuel, what will an optimum regarding to your custom, used engine and required power parametres of your engine. If you will ask a fuel with higher percentage of lubricant or nitromethane, discusse your demands with our company, we will try to solve out your special ask also.

    -see section " TECHNOLOGYEngine maintenance "
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